Page 380 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 380

362  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   16.22  High power view of pars optica retinae (fundus, cat). Azan stain (x1000).

                   16.23  Layers of the neurosensory retina (schematic).

                                                                  During embryonic development, the light-sensitive recep-
                     ·  neuron 2:
                          − inner nuclear layer (stratum nucleare internum),  tor layer comes to lie furthest from the incoming light
                          − inner plexiform layer (stratum plexiforme   signal, while the nerve layer that conducts the resulting
                         internum),                               impulse faces the interior of the eye.
                     ·  neuron 3:                                    The photosensory layer (stratum neuro-epitheliale,
                          − ganglion cell layer (stratum ganglionare nervi   rod and cone layer) comprises the processes of cells (epi-
                         optici) and                              theliocyti neurosensorii) that have their perikarya in the
                          − nerve fibre layer (stratum neurofibrarum).  outer nuclear layer. These processes constitute the photo-
                                                                  receptors of the eye and are divided into inner and outer

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