Page 384 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 384

366  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   pigment with an absorption maximum in the range of     The term area retinae is used to describe well-defined  490–506 nm.                                   slightly thickened regions of the retina in which the den-
                      Cone cells predominate in the retina of diurnal birds,  sity of cone cells is especially pronounced, resulting in
                   rods being far fewer in number and restricted to the periph-
                                                                  particularly high resolution. In these regions, the ratio of
                   ery. In many diurnal birds of prey, the density of cones  photoreceptors to efferent neurons can reach the optimal
                   is greater than in humans. Moreover, there are only very  value of 1:1. Visual resolution associated with these areas is
                   few cone cells per efferent nerve cell (low convergence),  further enhanced by the peripheral displacement of overly-
                   resulting in a high degree of visual resolution. In contrast,  ing neurons, resulting in a central depression known as the
                   the high light sensitivity of the retina of owls results from  fovea retinae.
                   a large number of densely packed rods (representing up to   The position and shape of the areas and foveae vary
                   90% of photoreceptors) and the connection of more than  considerably with species. Most bird species have a central
                   1000 rods with each bipolar nerve cell (high convergence).  round area centralis rotunda with a fovea centralis (absent

                   16.27  Pars ciliaris retinae (common buzzard, Buteo   16.28  Pars ciliaris retinae (tawny owl, Strix aluco) with
                   buteo). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x480).   pigment in inner epithelial layer. Haematoxylin and
                                                                  eosin stain (x360).

                   16.29  Pars optica retinae (chicken). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x250).

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