Page 385 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 385

Receptors and sense organs (organa sensuum)   367

                  in the chicken), representing the site of highest monocular  retina. The axons pass to the main visual relay centre of the  visual resolution. In many water- and shore-birds, the cen-  brain, the lateral geniculate body. From there, nerve fibres
                  tral area is linear (termed the area centralis horizontalis)  of the visual pathway project to the visual cerebral cortex
                                                                 in the occipital lobe. Autonomic fibres in the optic nerve
                  and contains a fovea centralis.
                     Several diurnal raptors also possess an area temporalis  pass to the hypothalamus forming the retinohypothalamic
                  with a fovea temporalis, which contributes to binocular,  tracts (suprachiasmatic nucleus).
                  stereoscopic vision. Owls have only an area temporalis.  Within the nerve fibre layer, the fibres are non-myeli-
                     In contrast to the retina of most mammals, the avian  nated. After penetrating the area cribrosa of the sclera, the
                  retina is avascular. It receives its nutrition by diffusion  axons are surrounded by oligodendrocytes, through which
                  from the capillary network of the lamina choriocapilla-  they become myelinated (Figure 16.30). The autonomic
                  ris and from the richly vascularised pecten oculi (Figures  fibres are poorly myelinated.
                  16.31 and 16.32).                                 As a component of the brain, the optic nerve is
                                                                 ensheathed by pia mater, arachnoid and dura mater.
                  OPTIC NERVE (NERVUS OPTICUS)                   Distinct subdural and subarachnoid spaces are evident.
                  The optic nerve (cranial nerve II) is an afferent tract of the  At the area cribrosa, the meningeal layers merge with the
                  brain. The nerve is composed of axons of the multipolar  sclera. Numerous connective tissue septa extending from
                  ganglion cells that initially form the nerve fibre layer of the  the pia, accompanied by capillaries, project between the

                  16.30  Optic nerve and area cribrosa (goat). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x30).

                  16.31  Scanning electron microscope image of the   16.32  Scanning electron microscope image of the
                  folds of a pleated pecten (common buzzard, Buteo   capillary network in a pleated pecten oculi (domestic
                  buteo; x50).                                   pigeon; corrosion cast; x50).

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