Page 383 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 383

Receptors and sense organs (organa sensuum)   365

                  16.26  Müller (radial glial) cell with adjacent retinal neurons (schematic).

                  NEUROSENSORY RETINA OF BIRDS                   specific features that contribute to the exceptional visual
                  The retinal pigment epithelium is firmly attached to  capacity of many avian species.
                  the choroid. In diurnal birds, it contains large quantities   The avian retina contains a large number of neuronal
                  of melanin granules. These absorb light that has passed   connections that, in mammals, are established in higher
                  through the light-sensitive retina, thus preventing inter-  neural centres. Thus, the pars optica retinae of birds is
                  ference by scattered light. In parrots, pigeons and diurnal  comparatively thick. The retina of pigeons, for example,
                  raptors, the fundus oculi is particularly heavily pigmented,  with its well-developed inner nuclear and plexiform layers,
                  making ophthalmoscopic examination more difficult. The  is twice as thick as that of humans (Figures 16.27 to 16.29).
                  degree  of  pigmentation  varies  considerably,  however,   In birds, the visible light spectrum ranges from 320
                  between individuals and species and is correlated with the  to 680  nm.  A particular feature of  avian  cone cells  is
                  colour of the feather coat. In crepuscular and nocturnal  the presence of oil droplets containing carotenoid pig-
                  avian species, the retinal pigment epithelium is less devel-  ments. At least five types of pigment have been identified,
                  oped. As a result, the underlying choroidal vessels give the  each with a different absorption spectrum. These are
                  fundus a striated, so-called ‘tigroid’ appearance on oph-  believed to act as intraocular chromatic filters. A sixth,
                  thalmoscopic examination.                      colourless type of droplet has been linked with percep-
                     The pars optica retinae consists of three layers of dense  tion of  ultraviolet  light. Rods are considerably more
                  neuronal networks. While this arrangement is similar  light-sensitive and responsible for non-colour-dependent
                  to the retina of other vertebrates, the retina of birds has  vision at low light intensity. They contain rhodopsin, a

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