Page 379 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 379

Receptors and sense organs (organa sensuum)   361

                  mentation of the retinal pigment epithelium is markedly  16.20 to 16.23). As a component of the diencephalon, this  reduced or absent.                           part of the retina contains glial cells (Müller cells, radial
                     Additional functions performed by the retinal pigment  glial cells) and nerve cells (neurons).
                                                                    Müller cells (Figures 16.23 and 16.26) support all layers
                  epithelium include:
                                                                 of the neurosensory retina except the rods and cones. They
                   ·  nutritional support for the retina,        also form the internal and external limiting membranes
                   ·  transport of metabolites between the choroid and   (stratum limitans gliae internum and externum).
                      the outer layers of the sensory retina,       The neurons are arranged in structurally distinct layers
                   ·  uptake and digestion of phagocytosed material   that are connected in series to form a three-neuron path-
                      from the outer segments (membranous discs) of the   way. From outside (most external) to inside (most internal)
                      photoreceptors,                            (Figures 16. 20 to 16.23) the pathway consists of:
                   ·  replenishment of rhodopsin through esterification
                      of vitamin A and                             ·  neuron 1:
                   ·  synthesis of melanin.                             − rod and cone layer (stratum neuro-epitheliale),
                                                                        − outer nuclear layer (stratum nucleare externum),
                  NEUROSENSORY RETINA (STRATUM NERVOSUM                 − outer plexiform layer (stratum plexiforme
                  RETINAE)                                             externum),
                  The neurosensory retina, derived from the inner leaf of
                  the embryonic optic cup, consists of several layers (Figures

                  16.20  Pars optica retinae (fundus, horse). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x250).

                  16.21  Pars optica retinae in region of tapetum lucidum (fundus, horse). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x250).

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