Page 244 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 244

228    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          FIGURE 12.10  Hookworm egg.

                                                             FIGURE 12.12  Fluke egg.

          FIGURE 12.11  Tapeworm segments.


          Protozoans are either unicellular or multicellular organ-
          isms that for the most part cause profuse diarrhea and
          sometimes even bloody diarrhea. The most common cul-
          prits are coccidia and giardia. Giardia can affect humans
          usually by ingestion of contaminated water. Coccidia are
          transmitted by the oral–fecal route. They are found on
          fecal floats and direct smears. This is where the feces is
          smeared onto a slide and then looked at under 10×.
          They are quite small and many technicians will view   FIGURE 12.13  Coccidia – magnified.
          these oocysts using 40× (Figure 12.13). There are also
          species of protozoans that  parasitize blood cells.
            Remember to handle feces with care, always use PPE   and the test tubes washed with a disinfectant and then
          and wash your hands! The leftover fecal material is either   put on a rack to dry. Inspect the tube for cracks and if
          flushed down the toilet or put in the lab’s waste con-  found throw the entire tube away. Put all supplies away
          tainer. The contents of the test tubes used to perform   and disinfect the counter. Discard gloves into the waste
          the floats are dumped into the toilet or waste container   container when finished.
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