Page 245 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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Chapter 12  Laboratory Skills  229

                                                                   their owners. Owners are usually less distressed if
               Learning Exercises                                  they do not see the actual blood collection
               •  Make a “recipe” card for the fecal set‐up     3.  Blood collection must be done properly to ensure
                 procedure your school or workplace uses.          reliable laboratory results.
                 Refer to it until you know how to set‐up a fecal   4.  Blood samples are often taken from the jugular vein
                 sample properly by memory.                        in order to save the peripheral veins for IV
               •  Make flash cards with pictures of ectoparasites   catheterization.
                 and endoparasites. This will help you study for
                 the exam.
                                                                Equipment Set‐up

                                                                The best blood sample that best reflects the patient’s
             Blood Collection                                   state of health is one that goes directly into a blood col-
             and Handling                                       lection tube (Figure 12.14). The easiest tubes to use are
                                                                vacuum sealed and engineered to pull in the right
                                                                amount of blood for each size of tube. There are differ-
             Blood collection is a two‐person process: one to restrain   ent types of tubes that contain different anticoagulants
             the patient and a  venipuncturist. Restraint techniques   within. They are color coded by their caps and are
             during venipuncture are described in Chapter  8. The   selected based upon the blood chemistry being tested
             venipuncturist will usually be the technician or the veter-  for. There are two tubes commonly used in a veterinary
             inarian but knowing the steps involved will be of great   practice. A purple or lavender topped tube and a red
             help to whomever is drawing the blood sample.      topped tube. The “purple tops” contain EDTA which is
               Things to keep in mind:
                                                                a good all round anticoagulant and will work for most
             1.  Handle the patient quietly and gently with     tests that require whole blood and plasma. Whole blood
                minimum restraint. Most patients don’t know what   has all of the components exactly as if flowing through
                is going to happen but if you put them into a strong   a patient’s veins. Plasma is the liquid portion of whole
                restraint hold it will raise their blood pressure and   blood and is obtained from a purple top tube by putting
                their stress level. Most fear free clinics will have a   it in a centrifuge and spinning it until the solids are
                policy on how long a hold lasts and how many tries   packed at the bottom of the tube, usually taking
                per patient before using other means to collect   10 minutes.
                blood. Stress can actually alter blood results.    “Red topped” tubes also contain a vacuum but no
             2.  Some patients do better away from the owner, so ask   anticoagulant. They allow the blood sample to clot and
                for permission to take it to the treatment area.   so are only used if a serum sample is required. Serum is
                Patients are usually more cooperative away from   used for most blood chemistry and serology tests. The

              (a)                                          (b)

             FIGURE 12.14  Blood drawing sets.
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