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The University Organizational Structure
The University is basically organized according to its functions specified in the mandate – instruction,
research, and extension services (RA 9720, Section 2) and its geographical operations (Section 1) distributed
in its six campuses with the main campus, two big satellite campuses and three small satellite campuses. It is
in accordance to Model 2 of the proposed Revised Organizational Structure Staffing Standards (ROSSS). The
structure shows the following:
Levels of the University
It has three levels – University Level (top management) with the University President as chief executive
officer, assisted by the Vice Presidents (RA 9720, Section 9), Campus Level (middle management) headed
by the Campus Administrators or Campus Directors (RA 9720, Section 10), and College Level (third level
management) headed by the College Deans (Section 3, IFSU Code, Administrative Manual).
Functions of the University
The University’s functions are reflected in the major operations of the institution and in its general
administration and support services per PREXC (Program Expenditure Classification):
• Operations: (a) Higher Education Program, (b) Advanced Education Program, (c)Research
Program, and (d) Extension Program;
• Support to Operations; and
• General Administration and Support Services.
Authority and responsibility
Authority and responsibility are reflected in the structure through the lines. It follows the principle in a
line-and-staff organization with the following definitions of the lines:
• Line authority or “Authority of command” – Refers to the power of the authority to
command, the power to initiate and moreover carry through the activities of the enterprise
•Staff authority or “Authority of ideas” – Refers to the authority in the preparation of advice
and counsel as an aide in the accomplishment of major functions
In the IFSU structure, line authority lies with the executives – the University President at the University
level, the Campus Administrator at the Campus level, and the College Dean at the College level. Staff
authority lies with the Vice Presidents, and the University Directors of service departments.
Acronyms in the Organizational Structure
1. GIAHS – Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems
2. GADRR Center – Gender and Development Research Resource Center
3. PFRG – Planning , Finance and Resource Generation
4. RDET – Research and Development, Extension and Training
Duties and Functions of the Key University Officials
Please see attached excerpt (Attachment 1) from the IFSU Code with the proposed amendments in
accordance to the changes in the structure.
Functions of the Various Service Departments
Please see Attachment 2.