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                      Assistant  Professor.  The  Council  is
                      empowered        to    review     and
                      recommend curricular  offerings and
                      rules of discipline of the university, fix the
                      requirements for the admission  of
                      students,   their   graduation    and   Delete
                      conferment of degrees.

      Research  and  Development  Council.
                      The   Research    and   Development
                      Council (RDC) is composed of the
                      University President as chairperson, the
                      Vice     President    for   Research,
                      Development,  Extension and Training
                      as  vice  chairperson  and  the  Directors  The University  Vice Presidents.  There
                      for  Research, Extension and  Training,        shall be four (4) Vice Presidents of the
                      and     Research    Coordinators   as          university  namely,  Vice  President  for
                      members. The RDC shall serve as the            Administration  and Finance  (VPAF),
                      policy-proposing body of the Research          Vice President for Academic Affairs
                      and Development Division, and the              (VPAA),  Vice  President  for  Research
                      clearinghouse of ideas,  specifically  in      and  Development,  Extension  and
                      the priority setting, implementation and       Training  (VPRDET)  and  Vice  President
                      evaluation of the RDET program of the          for Planning,  Finance  and Resource
                      University.                                    Generation (VPPFRG).
                                                              The Vice Presidents serve at the discretion of,
      Board of Management.  The Board of  and reports directly to the University President.
                      Management       (BOM)   of   IGP   is  The  University  President may expand or
                      composed of the University President as  contract the scope  of functions, duties,
                      Chairperson, the VP for Planning  and  responsibilities  and privileges of  the  Vice
                      Resource     Generation    as    Vice   Presidents for the best interest of the institution.
                      Chairperson, and the following  as  When designated, they may serve as officers in
                      members: IGP  Director,  Director of  charge of the office of the president.
                      Finance, COA Resident  Auditor, and
                      the Campus Directors of Lagawe and  Vice President for  Administration
                      Potia Campuses.                                   and Finance. The Vice President for
                      It has the  power to review all  IGP              Administration and Finance (VPAF)
               activities/undertakings and recommend those              is empowered to be responsible for
               that are viable to be continued and those that           the    implementation    of    the
               are losing to be terminated. It also acts as the         administrative,   finance,    and
               policy-proposing   body   of   IGP   policies,           management      related   services,
               programs and projects.                                   programs and rules, policies, office
                                                                        orders and memoranda.
                                                                            He/she    shall   continuously
                                                                        review        and        evaluate
              .1.4.   Offices Directly Under the Supervision of         administrative,   finance     and
                      the University President                          management operations of  the
                                                                        university   and     recommend/
     The University  Vice Presidents.  There          undertake necessary steps to solve
                      shall be four (4) Vice Presidents of the          problems and initiate improvement
                      university  namely,  Vice  President  for         in the system geared towards the
                      Administration  and Finance (VPAF),               realization of the university’s vision,
                      Vice President for Academic Affairs               mission, goals and objectives.
                      (VPAA),  Vice  President  for  Research
                      and  Development,  Extension  and       Functions of the VPAF
                      Training  (VPRDET)  and  Vice  President   Managerial

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