P. 50


        Changes from the Existing Organizational Structure
               There are major changes in the organizational structure of the University. From the existing structure
        (per BOR No. 604 s. 2016), the following are the proposed changes:

        1. New Office of the Vice President
        The Office of the Vice President for Planning, Finance, and Resource Generation (VP-PFRG) was created in
        the proposed organizational structure.
        Its creation was deemed necessary to assist  the University President  in some major areas of general
        administration and support services. With their creation, some service departments were transferred from
        the Office of the President to the VP-PFRG while some were newly created as discussed in the succeeding

        2. New Units Created
        Some service departments were created as a result of the strategic planning process wherein new strategies
        prompted the need for these units to carry out the planned programs and activities. They are as follows:
               a. Department of Capacity Development (DCD);
               b. Department of Communication, Public and Information Affairs (DCPIA); and
               c. Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation (DEPC) which includes functions in Risk
        Reduction and Disaster Coordination (RRDC).

        3. Units Transferred
        The service departments that were transferred as deemed best based on the Strategic Plan are the following:
               a. Department of Finance Services (DFS);
               b. Department of Planning and Information Management (DPIM);
               c. Department of Income Generating Projects (DIGP);
               d. Gender and Development Research Resource Center (GADRRC); and
               e. Department of Infrastructure and Site Development (DISD).

               The DFS, which used to be under the VP for Administration was transferred under the VP for Planning,
        Finance, and Resource Generation. The DPIM, DIGP, and GADRRC which were within the direct supervision of
        the Office of the President were transferred to the VP-PFRG. The DISD which was also under the Office of the
        President was transferred to the VPA.

        Reasons for the Transfer:
               a. The DFS was transferred from the office of the VPA to the office of the VPPFRG basically to strengthen
        the  link  between  planning  and  budgeting  which  was  identified  as  one  of  the  weaknesses  in  general
               b. The DPIM and the DIGP are normally under the Office of the VP-PFRG. For the GADRRC, a realization
        was made that most of its function is to ensure the mainstreaming of GAD in the programs and activities of the
               c. The Department of Infrastructure and Site Development was transferred to the VPA for the reason
        that the department is the implementing unit of planned programs for infrastructure and development.

        4. Abolished Unit
        The advisory body, Research Council, was deleted from the organizational structure and was agreed that it
        will become University Research Committee in accordance to the provision of the University Charter wherein,
        the only advisory bodies to the University President are the Administrative Council and the Academic Council.

        5. Formerly Sections of a Department changed to Departments
        Some sections of departments in the existing structure  were made departments because of the bulk of
        workload in these sections which roles having great impact in the achievement of the major development
        goals of the University. These are:
        a.     Department of Human Resources and Development (DHRD)
        b.     Department of Alumni Affairs (DAA)
        c.     Department of Legal Services (DLeS)

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