Page 47 - Team Member Handbook Aug 2020.docx
P. 47
CREATION DATE: September 2015
REVISION DATE: August 2016
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 2016
In accordance with Policy #34 regarding Professional Development/Training Hours, any team
member may be required to travel to and from alternate sites to complete required training
hours, for professional interaction and/or to complete work assignments. Should the team
member not attend the training/conference/meeting or complete work assignments which are
the purpose of travel, the team member will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including
termination. Further, Jack & Jill Children’s Center will seek repayment of any funds paid out in
relation to such travel including but not limited to, transportation, meals, lodging, registration
fees, and/or activities fees.
Directors will book all overnight travel arrangements as necessary for attendance at out of area
functions. Team members will be informed prior to booking of the dates and times of travel to
avoid a potential conflict. However, the traveling team member may not be able to dictate the
time or mode of travel. The Director will attempt to work with the team member so as not to
create a burden. However, the Director will make the final determination related to all travel
arrangements. Any team member who refuses to travel as assigned will be subject to
disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Non-exempt team members who are traveling on approved Center business will be
compensated for the time spent traveling provided the travel occurs during normal working
hours. If travel occurs at times other than normal working hours the team member must receive
prior approval for the travel in order to receive payment.
Team members will not be compensated for time spent commuting to and from work.