Page 51 - Team Member Handbook Aug 2020.docx
P. 51
CREATION DATE: September 2015
REVISION DATE: November 2016
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 2016
When requesting reimbursement for purchases and/or travel, team members will be required
to submit an Expense or Travel Reimbursement Form and submit it to their Supervisor within
five business days following the purchase or travel. Team members must attach original
receipts to the Expense or Travel Reimbursement Form. Failure to submit an Expense or Travel
Reimbursement Form and/or Original Receipts in a timely manner may result in denial of
Team members will not be reimbursed for sales tax and must use the Sales Tax Exception Form
when making purchases when feasible. Team members who fail to complete or falsify the
Expense or Travel Reimbursement Form may be subject to disciplinary action up to and
including termination and possible criminal penalties.
Failure to attach original receipts will result in a delay and/or denial of reimbursement of
Prior to purchasing items to be used in the center/classroom team members must get prior
approval from their Director. If the team member does not secure prior approval for purchase
of specific items, the team member may not be reimbursed and the items could be considered
a donation to the program.
Local (i.e. County, State)
Team members who are on approved Center business or attending conferences, workshops,
and meetings will be reimbursed for travel including mileage, tolls, and parking. Mileage will
be paid from the team member's usual work site to the designated site. Team members must
receive prior approval from their immediate supervisor in order to receive payment for these
Mileage will be reimbursed according to the current federal reimbursement rate as determined
by the Internal Revenue Service. Mileage can be calculated by inputting the origination address
and the destination address in to MapQuest using the distance stated.
Outside Local Area
Team members who receive advance approval from or who are assigned by their Director to
travel outside of the local area will be reimbursed for travel expenses, overnight
accommodations, meals, tips and other costs necessitated by travel.
Team members traveling overnight will be reimbursed for meals up to a maximum of $60.00
per day including tips.
In some circumstances team members may be able to receive advance payment of these
expenses. The rate of reimbursement will be based upon actual expense.