P. 104

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 ♦  Arrogance --- An arrogant person is content with his opinion and knowledge. That will
                    guarantee him perpetual ignorance.
                 ♦  Conceit---Since nature abhors a vacuum, she fills empty heads with conceit.

                 John  bragged, "My son gets  his  intelligence from me." His  wife replied, "I am sure he
                 does, because I have still got mine."

                 ♦  Negative attitude
                 ♦  Closed mind
                 ♦  Lack of listening
                 ♦  Suspicious nature
                 ♦  Lack of respect for values (low morals)
                 ♦  Lack of discipline
                 ♦  Lack of compassion (cruelty is a sign of weakness)
                 ♦  Impatience
                 ♦  Anger--Temper gets a person in trouble and ego keeps him there.
                 ♦  Manipulative behavior
                 ♦  Escapist behavior
                 ♦  Touchy nature
                 ♦  Inconsistency
                 ♦  Unwillingness to accept the truth
                 ♦  Past bad experience
                 ♦  An uncaring attitude being ignored is not a good feeling. It shows a lack of concern.
                 ♦  Greed--is like sea water: The more you drink, the thirstier you get.

                 This probably is not an all-inclusive list. Most of us may have some of the characteristics
                 mentioned  above.  Some  may  have  more  of  one  than  the  other.  The  objective  is  to
                 evaluate and adjust course in those areas.


                 The biggest hurdle in building a positive relationship is Ego. Ego is self-intoxicating. Ego
                 is  negative  pride  resulting  in  arrogance.  Healthy  pride  is  a  feeling  of  the  pleasure  of
                 accomplishment  with  humility.  Ego  gives  a  swollen  head  while  pride  gives  a  swollen
                 heart. A big head gives a big headache whereas a big heart gives humility.
                 No matter what the size of a person's accomplishments are, there is never an excuse for
                 having a big head. Pride, yes; big head, no.

                 Ego--The "I Know It All" Attitude

                 To an egocentric person, the world begins, ends and revolves around him. An egotist can
                 be funny by default. A boss asked one of his employees how badly he wanted a raise.
                 The employee said, "Real badly. I have been praying to God for one." The boss replied,
                 "You are not going to get it because you went over my head."
                 An egotist talks and looks down on others.

                               Egotism is the anaesthetic that deadens the pain of stupidity.

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