P. 112

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 Do the following words describe the feeling of not being listened to?

                 Neglected                                      Belittled
                 Rejected                                       Annoyed
                 Dejected                                       Stupid
                 Let down                                       Worthless
                 Unimportant                                    Embarrassed
                 Small                                          Demotivated
                 Ignored                                        Disheartened

                 Let's reverse the scenario. How does it make you feel when you want someone to listen
                 to you and they

                 ♦  make you comfortable.
                 ♦  give you their undivided attention.
                 ♦  ask appropriate and relevant questions.
                 ♦  show interest in your subject.

                 Do the following words describe the feeling of being listened to?

                 Important                                      Good
                 Pleased                                        Happy
                 Satisfied                                      Appreciated
                 Worthwhile                                     Encouraged
                 Cared for                                      Inspired

                 What are some of the barriers to effective listening?

                 External Barriers                              Internal Barriers

                 physical distractions                          preoccupation or absent-mindedness
                 noise                                          prejudice and prejudging people
                 fatigue                                             no interest in subject or speaker

                 There could be intellectual barriers, such as language, comprehension, etc. In order to
                 inspire others to speak, be a good listener.
                 Listening shows caring. When  you show  a  caring attitude toward another person, that
                 person feels important. When he feels important, what happens? He is more motivated
                 and more receptive to your ideas.

                                 An open ear is the only believable sign of an open heart.

                                                                                       --David Augsburger

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