P. 100

•  Note qualitative relationships;
                  •  Note the degree of precision of information presented. Does
                     information such as "acceptable levels of product quality" tell us
                     anything useful?
                  •  What information is missing?
                  •  How valid is the information presented? Fact or opinion?

                  This will help make sense of what is after all a complex unstructured

                  Restructuring of the information is a crucial activity when attempting to
                  combine facts in ways that create new information. This may be aided

                  by using a topic or analytic framework: e.g.

                  •  Product/Market Position,

                  •  Financial Position,

                  •  SWOT. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats).

                  Chronology of Events/Share Price Movement
   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105