Page 59 - Guardian Broker Questionnaire Summary Complete Package 2 2 22_Neat
P. 59

Property Tax and Payroll Analysis                                                           Guardian Place I & II

         real Estate Tax analysis                                                                  2021       year 0
         Land Value                                                                            4,725,000    4,725,000
         Improvement Value                                                                     8,828,000   22,687,500
         Taxable Value                                                                         13,553,000   27,412,500
         Tax Rate                                                                                1.2000       1.2000
         Total Real Estate Taxes                                                                $162,636    $328,950

        Parcel Numbers: N0001940010; N0001940003
        Valuation reflects a reassessment to 85% of sale price.

         Payroll analysis                                             # of Staff  Hourly rate  Hours / Wk   $ Per year

         Administrative Staffing
          On-Site Community Manager                                         1       $25.00          40       $52,000
          Assistant Manager/Administrative                                  1       $20.00          40       $41,600
          Clerical/Administrative                                           2       $19.00          40       $79,040
          Leasing Bonuses                                                 118       $50.00                    $5,900
         Total Office and Leasing                                         4.0                                $178,540

         Maintenance Staffing
          Maintenance/Repair Supervisor                                     1       $25.00          40       $52,000
          Maintenance Assistant                                             3       $20.00          40       $124,800
         Total Maintenance                                                4.0                                $176,800

          Sub-Total Administrative and Maintenance Staffing               8.0                               $355,340
          Payroll Taxes and Benefits                                    0.00%                                    $0
          Staff Apartments                                                                                       $0

         Total On-Site Payroll                                                                              $355,340
         Per Unit                                                                                             $1,506
        Analysis assumes an incoming buyer can operate the property as reflected above. Payroll Analysis reflects a CBRE estimate of market underwriting.

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