Page 110 - 2022 Annual Report 2022 01.18 0528
P. 110
GOAL 4 Provide/market non-traditional services
Objective 1 Expand knowledge of services that could be offered to new and existing
clients that help raise awareness of our capabilities
BIM Modeling, resilient communities services, funding sources and grants,
interior design services, FFE
Identify peripheral consultants such as environmental psychologists to expand
our offerings
GOAL 4 Raise/re-build FGMA profile in the local higher ed community
Objective 1 Establish FGMA as an expert in Higher Ed, expert in trends, expand inside and
outside of IL, nurture thought leadership
Approach: Building the Expertise; targeting retainer contracts, work $5M and under, and strategic
GOAL 1 Understand and be successful in the Higher Ed Market in Central Texas
Objective 1 Identify key facilities staff and contact information
Objective 2 Determine how to monitor current and upcoming RFQs and RFPs by
identifying where project opportunities are posted
Objective 3 Develop network of consultants and contractors as potential teammates, allies,
and information sources
Objective 4 Assess overall ‘health’ of an institution and if it is in a growth mode
Refine focus to prioritize BD efforts at schools likely to require design services
Objective 5 Continue to develop a deeper understanding of project approval processes
and timelines
GOAL 2 Contact 5 to 10 institutions to introduce FGMA and our capabilities; follow up on a regular
Objective 1 Refine focus to those institutions that are most likely to be receptive to FGMA
and our portfolio of work; identify longer term leads prior to issuance of RFQ
or RFP
Establish FGMA as experts on a smaller, more attainable level to gain trust
and experience in the Texas HE market
Limit focus to institutions that can be reached with a drive 2 hours or less;
identify individuals to be contacted directly
Objective 2 Provide a general introduction to FGMA's work and capabilities, but leave
door open for sending follow-up materials to establish long term connection
Objective 3 Establish personal connection with contact, learn more about institution and
its plans, A/E selection process, etc.
Establish long term connection and promote FGMA's credibility
Objective 4 Establish long term connections and promote FGMA’s credibility
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