Page 97 - 2022 Annual Report 2022 01.18 0528
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               Wheaton College Armerding Center for the Performing Arts

               IN TR OD U C TION

               2022 – Building Momentum……..2023 – Reset. Focus. Develop.

               2022 was a year of many ‘starts’, as we continued to build our team, find new work and new clients,
               continue to serve our existing clients well, and explore our thought leadership and where our passions
               will take us.

               In September, as we developed goals for the coming year, it became apparent that our practice area
               had undergone some significant changes that are pivotal to its success. This caused us to take a pause,
               re-evaluate and recalibrate our mission and vision as the momentum continued to build.

               We are a team focused on serving our clients with exceptional design and expertise. FGMA’s work in
               Higher Ed supports the community of education and the growth of students who will be leaders in our
               communities and society. We strive to bring the most inclusive, supportive, flexible spaces to support
               the transformation from the student into the leader.

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