Page 73 - 2024-eca-yearbook-final
P. 73
To the right, - "2022 Pursuit Race
to Frisco" - Ensign sail number
1492, Christopher C, is sailed by
the owner's family, Frank & Vivian
Keesling and their two kiddos,
along with Michael and Robyn
Kline and their two kiddos! This
shows how many people you can
comfortably fit on an Ensign!
To the left, "2023 Dillon Open
Regatta" - The blue and yellow
spinnaker is the Ensign named Black
Cat, owned and sailed by
Christopher Williams. I cannot
remember the sail number. The
Etchells with the blue and white
spinnaker is my Etchells 491,
helmed by myself, and my brother,
Brad Pierce, was one of my crew,
followed by Etchells 644, helmed by former Ensign owner, Gerry Huttrer.
257 SHILOH Daniel Winters
344 DOG Gary Richley
1322 BLACK CAT Chris Williams
1343 ELYSIUM Lindsey Beasley (on Grand Lake)
1402 COLUMBINE Phillip Huff
1429 FUGUE Charlie Wrather
1489 PTARMIGAN Ron Pierce
1492 CHRISTOPHER C Tom Keesling
1517 K-SEA-K Todd Casy
1530 Ron Vonder Haar
1545 BEYOND THE STAR Phil Goedert
1546 Jim & Pat Creed
1589 HARMS WAY Larry Dubas
1642 WILDCAT Steven Weinberg
Fleet 63 Toms River, New Jersey
Barnegat Bay, 1973
Fleet Captain: Trace Dittenhofer Secretary: Mindy Cashman
Treasurer: Sheila Torpey