P. 8

TitBit 1

                                              WHY YOU ARE POOR

                You are poor because you do not have money or enough money to meet your immediate

               needs. You cannot eat what you like, wear what is in vogue, live in your dream mansion,

               and ride in the latest car – because you do not have the money to buy them. Your bank
               account is in the red, you are in debts!

                You do not have money because you have no income! You have no income because you
               are not working. You are not working because you have no job. You have no job because

               the jobs are not there, or you have not discovered what to do, or where to deploy your
               skills and competencies. You tried hard to get a job but failed all the time, because you do

               not know how to get your dream job. Disappointed, you sit at home doing nothing, but
               lament and blame the government and everyone for your predicament.

                You are poor because you believe in the lies that everyone says. They say: “It is difficult to
               get a job nowadays, there are no jobs out there. The politicians and their cronies share

               the  few  available  ones.”  Since  you  do  not  know  any  politician  or  a  highly  placed
               government official, you accept your fate and resolve to wait till luck smiles on you. You

               wait and waste, unable to get into government or a non-governmental organization pay
               roll. Unfortunately, the waiting is not ending because the queue is long, and there are

               many people in the line. Sad enough, most of them are well-connected than you are, they

               have better qualifications than you do and know something you do not know. Because of
               these advantages, they grab the limited jobs available before you get there, and you must

               wait for another opportunity which may not come soon. You spend your little savings
               looking for job, and consequently, you become poorer.

                You are poor because you are complacent. You are satisfied with the status quo. You

               refuse to challenge your poverty and deal with it ruthlessly. You are tolerant! You are at

               ease! You depend on the government for a job, and if it  does not come, you will wait
               forever.  The  truth  is,  ‘opportunity  comes,  but  to  those  who  seek  after  it.’  You  are

               unwilling to take the risk. You are comfortable with your state of inertia, nothing pushes
               you to challenge your challenges. Isaac Newton said, "Every object continues in its state

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