P. 10

TitBit 2

                                          NOBODY OWES YOU A JOB

                It  is  not  good  to  think  that  someone  or  the  government  owes  you  a  job  and  you

               completely  feel  at  ease.  You  can  easily  expect  too  much  from  the  people  around  you

               (friends,  family,  senior  colleagues,  members  of  your  religion  etc.)  but  nothing  from
               yourself.  While  it  is  normal  to  think  this  way,  it  is  dangerous.  You  can  become

               complacent thinking someone is running around for you, but the ideal thing is for you to
               take personal responsibility for your job hunting.

                Nobody is compulsorily responsible for getting you a job. It does not mean you do not
               need help, but nobody is under any obligation to help you at all cost. You are responsible

               for securing the employment you desire. If you accept this reality, it will help you rely
               less  upon  empty  promises  that  can  break  your  heart  when  they  are  unfulfilled.  Not

               expecting too much from anyone is a clever way to minimize your pains when they fail
               you or renege on their promises. Of course, someone  will always help you, but it is a

               choice they must make. It is not necessary, and often, even if they are willing to help,
               circumstances  may  not  allow  it.  You  must  take  your  destiny  in  your  hands  just  like

               William Henley says, “You are the master of your fate, you are the captain of your soul.”

               Knowing  and  accepting  this  is  the  first  step  to  a  gainful  employment  and  financial

                Do not blame your joblessness on anyone, not even on the government for not providing
               enough jobs to go round. Everyone hands are full, including your relatives and friends.

               While it is the duty of every responsible government to provide employments for her
               citizens, it is obvious that the government is unable to perform that role efficiently and

               responsibly. The government is helpless  and groans under the overbearing burden of
               unemployment and therefore cannot guarantee job provision for everyone. You should

               be wary of putting all your hope in a system that cannot sustain nor support the very
               people it was made to cater for. It  does not make you a pessimist, you are just being

               realistic.  It  is  expected  that  you  have  a  right  to  government  jobs,  but  do  not  be  so
               dependent on any system that you can almost think of nothing to do for yourself, or you

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