P. 15
What should you do in the face of the limited job vacancies in government offices? Wait
forever? I hope not. Waiting for a job that may never come does not makes sense. It is
wise to have alternative plans or make necessary efforts to survive. This is where
unemployment becomes a blessing in disguise. Instead of sitting down idle or lamenting,
you should think creatively and do something; for temporary survival till your dream job
comes. It can also be something eventually which will be an ideal alternative to your
desirable white-collar job. You should consider creating your own job and become an
entrepreneur who gives jobs rather than seek it. Try out a handiwork, a craft or trade
depending on your ability. Try your hands on anything profitable and legitimate,
something that keeps you going and makes you happy. If you cannot think of one, ask
friends and relatives to suggest ideas to you. It is not late either to enroll in an
apprenticeship. Look for something you have always loved to do, something viable and
capable of meeting your needs. Do not keep waiting hopelessly, a choice to wait is a
choice to waste. Engage your mind in finding a creative way around joblessness. Do not
leave your mind fallow, an idle mind is the devil's workshop, an idle hand is his working
tool. Everyone cannot be on government payroll, but you can do something for yourself,
pay yourself from it and pay someone else. This is possible if you learn a trade or go in
the way of entrepreneurship. Think about it!
“Everyone cannot be on the government payroll, but you can do
something for yourself, pay yourself from it and possibly pay someone
What else can you do if there are no white-collar jobs?
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