P. 17

analog employees and 'one-way traffic guys' in modern employment. If you do not have

               multiple skills or you cannot multitask, forget it, there is nothing for you.

                Talking about multi-tasking, why would someone employ you as a sales representative
               and at the same time, give you a driver to drive you around and an interpreter to help you

               with  language  difficulties  (three  persons  for  a  role)?  Whereas  he  can  employ  a  sales
               representative who can drive, and as well speak the language of his audience. It has long

               ceased to be ‘the one unique thing you are bringing to the table,’ it is now ‘how many

               unique things are you bringing with you, and at what level of excellence are you bringing
               them in?’ Getting any decent job nowadays is no less serious than that.

                Getting a job is not only a matter of who you know, what you know also matters. Real
               employers still go for what you know and to what extent you know it. It is not always

               about bribing your way through for a job or making kind retributions as with people who
               flirtatiously throw their back in bed for employers to court undue favour, multi-talents

               and excellence still win. If you want a job in a firm that pays you like a king, do what it
               takes to earn like a king? Offer them something they cannot find in other employees, give

               them an irresistible offer by displaying excellent skills and competences.

                Assuming  there  are  no  vacancies  matching  your  skill(s)  in  any  organization  or  firms

               around you, are you confident and competent enough to start something? Do you have
               something to offer towards knowledge advancement in your area of expertise? What can

               you do differently from the ones we know? What do you have that will make an employer
               keep looking for you or restrain him from laying you off? Basic skills are not enough, add

               some  relevant  additional  skills  to  the  basic  ones  you  have.  You  can  be  a  driver  with

               excellence in map reading and troubleshooting automobiles. A computer literacy with a
               proficiency in a foreign language can make you stand out among your equals. Nobody

               who can truly do something well should stay jobless.

                  “Getting a job is not only a matter of who you know, what you know also matters.”

                        What is one thing you are good at, and can do differently if employed?

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