P. 21
The other things worth considering are your values. Integrity, honesty, hard-work,
resilience (ability to cope under work pressure), punctuality, confidentiality, loyalty, and
respect for constituted authorities are positive values highly sought-after. Can you be
trusted with power, money, and certain secrets of the organization? The employer wants
to know if you will defy or abide by the ethical codes of conduct of the organization, and
respect or disrespect its organogram especially in tough times. They want to know if it is
safe to keep money and valuables in your care, how much information you can keep
without divulging it, how far you can go under pressure, how loyal and committed you
can be.
The Hiring manager is looking for someone with constructive initiatives, a
forward-thinking person, someone who critically queries or challenges the status quo
with a view to improving it, not a dummy or a rubber stamp employee. You should be
able to prove yourself as an intuitive and brilliant employee who is not just there to earn
income. As a rule of thumb, never show a Hiring manager you want a job for the income,
rather, for what you can either contribute to the organization’s development or a place
you can practice and improve on what you already know. The employer already knows
everyone works to get paid, but he is looking for someone who is not driven by a ‘taking
ideology’ but a ‘giving ideology’ – someone who is ready to add to the organization and
promote its ideals, not just an income seeker.
Be careful not to send out the wrong signals or give the wrong impression. Anytime you
have the privilege to meet a Hiring manager, it is an opportunity to sell yourself. Do so
excellently by sending out only positive vibes. Be a good salesman; be enthusiastic, be
punctual, be excellent, be efficient, be easy to deal with, be exceptional! Show them you
are a problem solver; show, do not tell. If your attitude is impressive and convincing
enough, you have scaled the first hurdle on your way to getting your dream job.
“No matter what skills you possess, nobody will employ you if your
attitude to work, learning, and relationships is wrong.”
What attitude(s) do I need to imbibe or do away with?
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