P. 18
TitBit 6
Knowing what you can offer is not enough, but where your skills are needed, and you can
be paid for your services. In the last TitBit, I asked what you can offer. This is the
question every employer asks a potential employee, and it is the reason anyone will offer
you a job. If you can add value to what the organization does or stands for, or meet the
level of skills they require, all things being equal, you are in. But this only happens when
the right employee meets the right employer.
The employer is on the look-out for the right skills, attitude, and competences. He places
job advertisements and specify the roles and requirement for a potential applicant that
will fill the vacancy. Competent and qualify job seekers see the job advertisement and
apply for it, especially when they meet the criteria. So, it is your responsibility to be on
the look-out for where you are needed, and your competences are acceptable.
However, most job seekers hardly know where they are needed. This mostly applies to
those who are not highly skilled or those that do not possess specialized or professional
skills like Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Scientists, and Accountants. They often look in
the wrong places because they do not know exactly where to look for jobs that match
their skills. You will never get a job that fits your skill if you keep looking in the wrong
places. Everyone is a master of an art or two, and it is not true that job seekers who do
not have specialized skills will unlikely find a decent job. Your ability to identify the skills
you possess is the first step to your breakthrough. The second is knowing and finding
where to deploy it appropriately.
There is something you can do! There must be something you can do well. It is true you
are not a Doctor, a Lawyer, an Engineer, a Scientist, or an Accountant, but you are not
empty and useless. The earlier you identify what you can do and find out where such skill
can be used, the better. When you know what you can offer, the task of looking for who
needs you becomes easier. Your search becomes defined and focused, and you do not
need to aimlessly look everywhere for someone to hire you. There are opportunities
everywhere, but it is only visible to those who can see it and go after it.
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