P. 16
TitBit 5
The first thing about job hunting is what you can offer, I mean the skills you have. When
an employer pays you a wage or a salary, it is in exchange for your skills, the services you
render to the organization or for the values you add to its products and services. What
every employer looks for in an employee is the value for the wage you will earn and your
overall positive impact or benefit to the organization. No employer will bring you in
without asking what you have to offer. Your worth is in the values you can add to the
organization. That is what an employer pays you for. The values are your skills,
experiences, and competences. The wage you earn is not a freefall, it is the monetary
equivalent in exchange for your skills and competences that have become profitable to
the organization you work for. That is how it works in the labour world.
So, the first question is not whether you are jobless or not, it is whether you have
something to offer? What can you bring on board, how can your skills and competences
improve the organization’s products and services? What are the five things you can do
differently and excellently from the way it is presently done in the office where you seek
employment? Are you employable? Do you have the requisite skills to convince the
employer to choose you above others? Employers love excellence, and that is what they
look for in every prospective employee. Do you have that touch of excellence that will
turn around the fortunes of your employer? Do you have what it takes? Have you
groomed yourself to that desirable level of excellence and brilliance? It is not just enough
going about looking for job, you need to know what you can offer and at what best you
can give it. If you have what it takes, employers will not only employ you, but they will
also do everything possible to retain you.
Before you apply for any opening in an organization, read through the roles expected on
the job and ask yourself the ultimate question "Do I have something to offer them?" "Can
I do things excellently, or differently over there?" Your marketability depends on what
you can offer – your skills, competencies, or expertise. There is no place for dummies,
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