P. 13

with new knowledge and innovations. If you are in such rapidly advancing careers, you

               need a job to stay in form and be relevant. Practicing in such professions helps you keep
               pace  with  trends  in  technological  advancements  and  keeps  you  abreast  of  your

               professional dynamics. You will have an edge over someone who has not practiced at all
               or have been out of job in a long while.

                Having a job also helps you socialize. It places you in a circle of professionals or people

               who do the same thing as you, think the same way, solve the same problems, or render

               the  same  services.  It  places  you  among  birds  of  the  same  feather  that  flock  together.
               Having a job increases your sphere of influence and the people in your circle, thereby

               impacting on your net self-worth. The people you work with influence you in many ways
               and  help  you  improve.  The  job  you  do  exposes  you  to  continuous  professional

               development and overall personal improvement in relationships, conducts and in your
               everyday life. You think better, see things better, have more confidence etc. because of

               the positive influences that surround you.

                Do not let anyone deceive you that you do not need a job, you need one, either you get

               employed  or  you  start  your  own.  You  need  a  job  and  must  strive  hard  to  get  one.
               However, what you need is not an anyhow job, but a decent and dignifying one; a worthy

               job capable of meeting your needs and making your dreams come true.


                        “Having a job increases your sphere of influence and the people in your
                                    circle, thereby impacting on your net self-worth.”

                 What is one most important reason for you to get a job? Is it not worth going all the

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