P. 9

of rest or uniform acceleration except an external force compels it to do otherwise." That

               is the law of inertia! Newton called it an external force, but it could as well be an internal
               force too. You are poor and may continue to be poor until something within you compels

               you to challenge your joblessness and cause you to seek a means of transforming your

                You are poor because you refuse to challenge your mind to think productively. You do

               not stretch your mind, think creatively and productively. That is the reason everything

               stands  still.  You  have  not  realized  that  nothing  changes  around  you  until  it  changes
               within you, and nothing moves around you except it first moves within you.

                You are poor because you do mere dreaming. You are a wishful-thinker and not a doer!
               Your thoughts are vague and unrealistic! They are daydreams with no  action backing

               them up. You are not engaging your mind constructively, or actively searching for money
               making ideas that can transform you from a poor job seeker to a job giver – an employer

               of labour.

                You are poor because you did not convert your chances, or you habitually give up too

               soon. You forget that winners do not quit, and quitters do not win. You fail to take hold of
               opportunities  that  abound  within  and  around  you.  You  are  poor  because  you  have

               enough alibis to explain away your penury and frustrations. You are not poor because
               your country is poor or the economy is bad, you are poor because your mind is poorly

               developed, and lack adequate information or strategies for your turnaround.

                Lastly, you are poor because you are not angry; you are not angry enough to end your

               poverty  and  joblessness.  You  still  tolerate  and  feel  cool  with  it.  Your  change  will  not
               happen until the day you rise to say it is enough to poverty and joblessness! That is the

               beginning of your freedom from poverty. This is the truth. Think about it!


                         “Your change will not happen until the day you rise to say it is enough
                                               to poverty and joblessness!”

                                      What can you do to end poverty in your life?

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