P. 26

TitBit 10


                The documents you present for pre-employment assessments is important, they speak

               volumes  about  you.  Chiefly  among  such  documents  are  your  Resume  (or  curriculum

               vitae, CV), your covering or suitability letter, your letter of recommendation and other
               supporting documents. These documents should not only be beautifully written, but they

               should  also  be  in  the  right  or  standard  format.  This  way,  they  give  credence  to  your
               application.  Professionally  written  and  well  formatted  documents  create  positive

               impression that speaks volumes about you. That said, you want to give them the loudest
               and  irresistible  voice  that  makes  your  application  preferable,  standing  tall  above  all

               others. When you do this, the Hiring manager would like to know more about the owner

               of such impressive application, and consequently, selects you for an interview.

                One of the greatest hurdles in job hunting is making the interview shortlist. No matter
               how good and competent you are, if you do not have a chance to convince the Hiring

               manager,  you  will  not  get  into  the  employment.  The  only  way  to  get  through  is  by
               leveraging on the strength of your application through your documents. Since you will

               not be there to speak for yourself at the initial selection stage, the documents that will do

               that for you ought to be excellently written and well-presented. That is about the only
               way your name can enter an interview shortlist. You do not necessarily have to write any

               test  to  be  invited  for  an  interview  in  most  cases,  you  are  basically  considered  on  the
               strengths and voice of your application – the documents you submitted.

                A good application is a spot-on for the Hiring manager, while weak and poorly written
               applications put him off. He has a lot of resumes and applications to peruse. Therefore, if

               the first three sentences of your covering letter or resume do not make any sense to him,
               he  will  drop  it  for  another  one.  That  is  the  end!  That  is  how  easy  an  unimpressive

               application can deny you a place in the interview or end your dreams of getting a job.
               This is one reason many applicants have not gotten a single job interview call back after

               sending  several  applications.  There  is  no  other  way  to  scale  this  first  hurdle  except
               through making excellent job application and well-presented supporting documents.

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