P. 31

qualifications and experiences match the job requirements. Highlight your soft skills and

               competences that relates to the job roles as mentioned in the requirements.

                About  the  Organization:  Do  not  forget  to  say  something  positive  about  the
               organization and mention why you would like to be a part of their workforce. Something

               like the reputation of the organization, professionalism, past record of sales, the size of
               the market they control, products varieties, corporate culture, staff welfare, management

               or anything that they take pride in will do. Employers like to know why you choose them

               above a hundred other companies you qualify to apply to.

                Ask for further Action: This is probably the closing paragraph of the letter where you

               thank the employer for spending time to read your letter or for considering you as a
               potential candidate for a job. It is noteworthy that your letter should end in a courteous

               manner, and by stating that you anticipate a favourable reply.

                Some organizations may want you to address this letter to a particular person. Find out
               about  the  organization  and  the  person  you  will  address  your  letter  to.  Find  out  his

               contact  and  position  in  the  organization  and  address  the  letter  to  him  appropriately.

               Include your name and contacts in the letter in case the employer wants to get back to

                Finally, check your letter for spellings, grammatical and punctuation errors. Put your
               name and signature on it. Save it in a format prescribed and upload it or attach it to an

               email. Ensure you follow whichever method you are required to make the application.


                         “You should craft your cover letter in such an irresistible manner that
                          leaves the reader with the feeling that you are very competent, and
                                            exactly what is needed for the job.”


                                          How impressive is your cover letter?

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