P. 28
TitBit 11
A Resume or a Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a short account of your contact details, career
objectives, skills and competences, educational qualifications (academics and technical)
and certifications, work history (responsibilities, experience and achievements),
Bio-Data (Personal data) and the details of your referees. It is usually about 2-3 pages
long. While a resume is appropriate, the term CV is preferable in the academics.
However, they are both correct, and we will not worry too much about that.
Your resume is your number one marketing document. Therefore, it must be a good
presentation and representation of who you are. It must be beautifully written, straight
to the point, relevant to the job you are applying for, readily available and easily
accessible. Most people write their resume anyhow, they structure it improperly and
format it poorly. This is unacceptable, it shows you are lazy and uncoordinated. It is one
of the reasons you may never get called up for an interview. If you do not know how to
write a good resume, go to the internet, and learn. Get an expert to help you out. They
may charge you a fee, but That is ok. It is worth it, and you will get value for your money.
You can get a good resume written for you on Synergie socials (our own writing and
content development company), Jobberman, Top resume, Myjobmag, PushCV etc.
As a rule of thumb, you must review your resume each time you apply for a job so it can
suit the job roles, and the certifications or competencies required. It does not mean you
should lie about your qualifications or give false information about yourself. The review
helps you use the right words that relate to the job roles and in the format stated in the
job advertisement. Do not ever throw the same resume or CV at every job all the time.
There is nothing like ‘one resume fits all jobs vacancies.’ There are differences in the
requirements and job roles of the same vacancy in different organizations. This is the
reason for resume review each time you apply for a job. Funny enough, most job seekers
do not know this. They do not read the job roles, qualifications, the skills required, and
the expected format for submitting the application documents. Every opening is unique
in its requirements. You must structure your resume to suit the requirements.
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