P. 25

It is also important to notify your referees or those that can write recommendations for

               you  on  time.  It  is  not  nice  to  catch  them  unawares,  they  may  not  have  the  time  and
               composure  to  do  an  excellent  report  on  you.  Inform  them  early  enough,  get  their

               contacts (especially email or phone) and let them prepare their minds ahead in case any
               organization contacts them to send reports about you. At least two or three people are

               always  needed  by  most  jobs.  They  should  be  people  who  truly  know  you,  share
               professional  and  training  affiliations  with  you,  and  can  write  compelling  stuffs  about

               you. Avoid using your parents, siblings or family members who share the same surname

               with you. This is not always acceptable.

                You  will  need  money  to  move  around  seeking  information,  making  copies  of  your
               supporting  documents,  transportation  to  and  from  interview  venues  etc.  It  is  wise  to

               reserve a good amount for this purpose. You would not want to be stranded, and unable
               to get to an interview venue because you do not have money. It is ridiculous!

                You need to prepare yourself for relocation in case your job would take you out of your
               present location. You must be ready for anything possible. You need to prepare for your

               job  interviews  as  well  as  physical  and  medical  employment  tests.  Be  conversant  with
               current affairs, read ahead. You must be fit to take the job too. All these are necessary

               and must be properly put in place so that whenever any opportunity comes, you do not
               have to run around helter-skelter. You would not want to wait for and opening, and when

               it finally comes it meets you unprepared or ill-prepared, and you lose it. It is painful, and

               another one may not come so soon. So, do all the needful, be prepared.


                          “You wouldn’t want to have an employment opportunity, and your
                            supporting documents are missing, unavailable or inaccessible.”

                                  How prepared are you for the job you are expecting?

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