P. 24

TitBit 9


                There are chances that an employment opportunity may come today, tomorrow, or next.

               You cannot tell, but it will surely come someday. Therefore, you must always be ready. It

               is not enough to be positively anticipating an opportunity, you must prepare for it. You
               have heard in the past that opportunity comes to those who wait for it, but that is no

               longer true. Nowadays, opportunity comes to those who go after it – those who prepare
               for it, recognize it, and can seize it whenever it comes. How prepared are you?

                The people that get jobs every day are not only those who are well connected or bribe
               their ways through, but individuals who are actively searching for jobs and have properly

               positioned themselves  to get one whenever there is an opening. They are intentional,
               they expect it and prepare for it. By preparation, it means first, you know what you want,

               where to get it, and you are actively searching the right places for it. It means you are
               mentally alert, well-organize, up to date, and modern. You are not just doing a loose,

               undefined,  focus-less  white  goose  search,  but  a  well-coordinated  search  within  the
               industries or sectors where you have competitive advantages.

                Preparation  also  means  getting  all  your  necessary  supporting  documents  (Resume,
               Testimonials, Certificates, Recommendation letters etc.) ready, and in the right formats

               (electronics:  PDF  or  .docx  file,  hard  copies:  photocopies)  and  storage.  Storage  and

               accessibility matter a lot. Exploring the opportunity and advantage of a modern cloud
               electronic storage means like google drive and Dropbox services to store your documents

               is a wise thing to do. It enhances easy electronic document retrieval and submission on
               job websites. It means you can access the documents from any of your devices at any

               time,  provided  you  are  connected  to  the  internet.  It  is  safer,  and  preferable  to  your
               devices storage  disks  which is liable to theft, accidental  deletion,  or virus attack. You

               would not want to have an employment opportunity, and your supporting documents are
               missing, unavailable or inaccessible.  It is necessary to get your documents ready and

               easily accessible before seeking job openings.

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