P. 34

TitBit 14

                                          YOUR MEANS OF CONTACT

                Keeping  your  means  of  contact  alive  is  very  crucial  as  a  job  applicant.  A  potential

               employer  might  see  your  profile  or  resume  somewhere  and  wants  to  contact  you  for

               further enquiries or invite you for an interview. Someone who knows you are looking for
               a job could as well see what matches your qualifications and skills and wants to call your

               attention to it or bring you in. It will be bad if they cannot find a means of contacting you.
               As trivial as it seems, being unreachable at the right time can cost you an employment

               opportunity.  You  would  not  want  that  to  happen  to  you,  would  you?  Therefore,  it  is
               important to keep your means of contact or addresses alive and functional as you hunt

               for jobs. The following means of contacts are important.

                Your  Email:  According  to  Wikipedia,  Electronic  mails  (emails)  is  a  method  of

               exchanging  messages  (mail)  between  people,  using  electronic  devices.  It  allows
               communication between a sender of a message and the receiver in a fast, cheap, easy to

               use and economic way. As a modern tool of communication, emails are almost inevitable
               in the world of sending and receiving correspondences. It is the preferred medium for

               official  and  formal  communications  in  corporate  organizations,  government

               establishments, offices and among individuals.

                Today, emails play a significant role in recruitment exercises because it is the preferred

               medium  through  which  the  employer  receives  your  application  and/or  supporting
               documents  and  likewise,  replies  you.  Like  the  conventional  postal  services,  both  the

               sender and the receiver of letters have contact or postal addresses where the letters go to,
               so do emails. You need a functional email address registered on the server of a good

               email  service  provider  like  Yahoo  mail  or  Gmail.  Your  notification  of  receipt  of
               application, progress reports, invitation for interview, notification of interview results,

               notification  of  offer  of  appointment  and  other  necessary  information  with  regards  to
               your application are sent through your email address. Because of the role that emails

               play in the employment process, it is important you have a functional email address as a
               job seeker.

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