P. 38

Your  contact  (physical)  Address:  It  is  particularly  important  you  have  a  home

               address. Most employers call it permanent address or residential address. Nobody wants
               to  employ  someone  who  is  not  traceable.  A  correctly  written  home  address  tells  the

               employer  where  you  live  and  how  to  locate  you  or  your  relatives  in  case  of  any
               emergency. Another important address is your postal address. Although this is no longer

               in vogue since the advent of electronic mails, but some employers still use it. They send
               all your postal correspondence to such address. You would not want your mail to get lost

               in transit. So, get a functional postal address. If your residential or home address does

               not  have  post  office  mailbox  number,  you  can  use  ‘in  care  of’  (c/o)  someone  or
               somewhere  that  has.  It  is  also  good  to  know  the  postal  code  of  your  area.  It  is

               6-numerical digits assigned to postal areas to facilitate faster mail delivery using modern
               mail sorting techniques. Most jobseekers do not know all these. Just go to google, type

               your area and request for the post code. You can also check with your local post office.
               For example, the post code for Area 10, Garki Abuja is 900246.

                Social Media Profile: Like your physical location address, you also have social media
               profiles or address which makes it possible for people looking for you on social media to

               trace you and look up important information about you. It is advisable  you keep and
               regularly update your profile on platforms like LinkedIn which is for professionals and

               career persons. It helps you connect with people in your circle and most employers like
               to do further background check on their potential employees by looking at their profiles

               on LinkedIn or Facebook. You can copy and paste your profile URL (Universal Resource

               Locator) into your CV or other important documents. Get use to skype too  or  have a
               skype account. Most employers use Skype for virtual job interviews.


                          “As a job seeker, your phone should do more than calling or keeping
                         your friends contacts. It should serve as a micro office where you plan
                           and organize your documents and manage your job applications.”

                       Do you have a functional LinkedIn, Skype, Facebook, and postal address?

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