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training you get in the organization, so it is symbiotic. It is good to take internships first

               before going into paid employments. Do not be too money conscious or over ambitious.
               Instead of making money your goal, go for skills that can qualify you for a better job and

               make  you  indispensable  in  your  future  employment.  The  rewards  are  numerous:  you
               have the privilege of working with senior professionals whose excellent skills can rub off

               on yours, you may discover new passion because internship brings you in contact with
               the practical aspect of those theories you learned in school. You will meet new people,

               make  new  friends,  and  enter  professional  relationships  that  can  impact  your  career.

               Eventually, your seniors at the job can stand as your guarantors and referees; those you
               can  put  their  names  in  your  resume  because  they  can  attest  to  your  personality  and


                Be on the lookout for internship positions or Graduate trainee programmes. They are
               very few, but you can always get one. It is not a quick way to make money, but it is always

               worth it. Internship times are not wasted  time. The things you will learn may be the

               bedrock of your career, and the people you will meet may be the ladder for you to ascend
               whatever height you desire in your career path as the days go by.


                Volunteers  are  always  needed  by  big  NGOs  like  the  United  Nations  Organizations  or
               those that do humanitarian services like the Red Cross. It is another smart way to get

               into paid employment. Like internships, volunteers are not paid, or at best, you get a lean

               upkeep  or  stipends.  It  is  also  a  short  or  fixed  term  engagement,  but  it  is  worth  it.
               Volunteering may require some level of expertise, this is where it differs from internship,

               but  you  can  always  find  where  you  best  fit.  A  good  sequence  is  after  doing  a  worthy
               internship, get into volunteering services before applying for a paid job.

                As a volunteer, you can track one or two insiders in the organization to provide you with

               information for recruitment time and criteria for employment. Most often than not, your

               chances of getting employed are high with an organization you previously volunteered

                Volunteering  also  gives  you  other  privileges  you  may  not  get  if  you  are  outside  the
               system. You will get to know more about similar organizations that do the same thing as

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