P. 37

TitBit 15

                                         OTHER MEANS OF CONTACT

                Apart from your email, there are other forms of contacts that are important for you to

               keep as a job seeker. Some of them are considered social in nature and unimportant, it is

               advisable you have them.

                Your  Phone  and  Phone  Number(s): Next to your email is your phone or phone

               number. Your phones must always be switched on, and your lines must be active. It is not
               bad  to  have  two  different  phone  numbers  on  different  telecommunication  service

               network providers. Designate them as cellular and home phones. If one is unavailable
               due to fluctuation or uncertainties of network service, an employer can reach you on the

               other line. Your phone is important for calls, text messages (Short Messaging Services,
               SMS) and for keeping other social connections. Going by th way things work nowadays, a

               smartphone  (with  an  android  operating  system)  with  dual  SIM  (Subscriber
               Identification Module) card configuration will suffice. With that, you can connect to the

               internet, search for jobs, and make your applications. You can check your emails, store
               your documents either on the phone internal storage or in a cloud storage application.

               You  can  receive  job  alerts,  respond  to  them,  review  your  Resume  and  cover  letter,

               interconvert your documents formats, send emails, or access a job portal for upload of
               job  applications.  All  these  in  one  device  makes  your  smartphone  a  utility  device  and


                However, you need to learn how to use these smartphone features perfectly or download

               the  necessary  phone  applications  to  do  so  where  necessary.  You  can  easily  learn
               whatever  you  do  not  know  by  visiting  YouTube  or  ask  Google.  As  a  job  seeker,  your

               phone should do more than calling or keeping your friends contacts. It should serve as a
               micro  office  where  you  plan  and  organize  your  documents  and  manage  your  job

               applications. It is necessary to always have worthy amount of call time credit or sizeable
               units  of  data  for  browsing  the  internet  on  your  phone.  Also  note,  when  applying  for

               international jobs, ensure you input your country’s Zip code. Nigeria Zip code is +234.
               Your phone number should look like +234-000 0000 000.

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