P. 41

the  organization  you  volunteer  for,  understand  collaborations  between  them  and

               possibly  get  new  ideas  especially  when  you  key  into  their  personnel  exchange
               programmes.  You  can  get  to  know  unfamiliar  places,  meet  fresh  faces,  and  learn  a

               foreign language or recipe. These experiences add to the quality of your resume, help you
               scale the ‘work experience’ hurdle and make you a better candidate for a paid job than

               someone who never worked or volunteered.

                Volunteers’ jobs are often advertised on job board websites, social media, or the hiring

               organization's  website.  Although  the  vacant  positions  are  always  few,  they  are  not  as
               strict and competitive as paid employment vacancies. International Non-governmental

               Organizations  as  well  as  local  Non-governmental  organizations  are  always  in  need  of
               volunteers. Be on the lookout, it may be your chance and only way to get into the payroll

               of those organizations that pay in hard currencies. Why should you miss out?


                         “There is hardly any space for rookies in experience hire employment
                        because their level of training and competence are inadequate for such
                                            roles; it can be counterproductive”

                             Do you have the relevant job experience? How can you get it?

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