P. 44

TitBit 18

                          WHY THEY DO NOT CALL YOU FOR INTERVIEW

                Submitting a job application is never a guarantee that you will be invited for an aptitude

               test or selected for an interview. In fact, most often, you will not hear from the employer

               again after submitting your application. If that happens, you can check back to know
               what happened, but it is mostly because you did not make it to the next stage. There are

               several reasons for this, but mostly, they hinge on factors that has to do with your work
               experience, competencies, application, and the documents you presented. You stand a

               better chance of making the interview list if you know these pitfalls and you can avoid

                First,  you  will  not  make  it  to  the  employment  test  stage  if  you  submit  the  wrong
               application, submitted the right or wrong application to the wrong address, upload the

               wrong  documents,  made  incomplete  application,  fail  to  submit  your  application  or
               submitted it after the submission deadline date. If you do the above, your fate is already

               decided – you will not be called back! A lot of people make one or two of these mistakes
               and are oblivious of it. This calls for concentration and focus, diligent review of your job

               application  and  timely  submissions,  following  through  to  the  end  till  you  receive  an

               acknowledgement of your submission either by email, SMS or Phone call.

                Secondly, you will not make it to the employment test stage if you do not qualify for the

               job.  You  cannot  trick  the  employer  with  certifications  and  qualifications  that  do  not
               merit the required standard. You will not make it to the employment test stage if you do

               not  have  the  basic  requirements:  work  experience,  educational  qualifications,
               competences,  and  skills.  In  order  not  to  waste  your  time,  you  may  not  send  your

               applications for jobs for which you do not qualify.

                Third, you may not receive feedback or get further message from the employer if your

               contact details are incorrect, you are out of network service for receiving phone calls or
               you  have  no  internet  access  for  emails.  I  have  emphasized  the  benefits  of  using

               functional Emails, valid phone numbers and addresses earlier. To verify the functionality
               of your email and phone number, you may ask a friend to send you a test-email or SMS

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