P. 45

using the email address and phone number you submitted. If you get the mail, you are

               good to go. If not, please check it again.

                There  is  also  the  possibility  that  you  present  a  weak  application.  It  means  your
               application is not good enough and cannot compete with several others submitted for the

               same  opening.  Every  employer  wants  the  best  hands.  That  is  the  reason  they  call  it
               recruitment exercise. It is a vacancy meant only for the best hands, so it is survival of the

               fittest.  Your  competences,  skills,  qualifications  are  weighed  and  compared  with  other

               applications in the system. You are rated against the backdrop of selected shortlisting
               criteria  that  show  how  well  you  fit  into  the  expected  roles  of  the  vacancy.  All  the

               applicants are rated. A cut-off point is decided and if you do not get enough scores to
               beat the cut-off, you will not make the interview list. That is the way it works. There is the

               need to strengthen your cover letter, review your CV to match the job requirements, and
               adhere to every instruction given on the application. This is one way you can earn more


                It could be possible that there are too many qualified people for the opening than you

               are, thereby raising the selection bar. It may also be that it is not yet your chance, and
               there is nothing you can do about it. But no matter how it turns out, do not be hard on

               yourself. There is always another time, and if you do not give up, one day you will be
               called back for an interview.


                          “There is the need to strengthen your cover letter, review your CV to
                         match the job requirements, and adhere to every instruction given on
                              the application. This is one way you can earn more points.”


                               If they do not call you for interview, can you find out why?

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