P. 42
TitBit 17
The road to paid employment is not an easy one. It has a lot of obstacles that are
deliberately put there to ensure only the best candidates make it through. Employers
conduct employment examinations to test the intelligence, character, and physical
fitness of the candidates. Only the candidates that pass the exams will be employed. The
selection test for employment could be a written test, an oral interview, physical fitness,
or medical fitness test.
Written Test: Most organizations (especially government agencies) that do mass
recruitment conduct written test, otherwise called aptitude tests or weeding test for the
selection of candidates. It usually has a second stage where they invite successful
candidates from the first stage for interview. The test may be conducted to test either the
subject knowledge or general knowledge of the candidates or both. Questions often asked
are taken from current affairs, general science, logical, verbal, and quantitative
reasoning, general and everyday arithmetic, languages etc. The mode of the test can be
descriptive or multiple-choice questions format and it usually lasts for a set duration of
time. You must score well above the average mark set for any test before you can move to
the next stage. The better the overall performance, the higher the average score, and
vice-versa. It means you must prepare seriously and thoroughly to merit a place in the
next stage of the test. There are job aptitude test textbooks, eBooks, websites, phone
applications and computer software to help you. Most of them are on the internet.
Interview: Those candidates that make it through the aptitude test may receive a
call-back for job interview. This is a face to face interaction with the employer. Interviews
help the employer judge the communication skill, presentation skill, subject command,
leadership quality, composure, personality, and other qualities of the candidate etc. The
employer may arrange for the interview individually or as a group. It can also be done
virtually via skype or other video applications of computer software.
In individual or personal interview, the candidate (prospective employee) and the
employer (Recruitment/Hiring manager or Human resources expert) interact with each
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