P. 48

TitBit 20

                                       THE DAY OF YOUR INTERVIEW

                You must be at your best today, do not allow anything to ruin your chances. The first

               thing to consider is your dressing. An interview is not a party or a fashion show. You do

               not have to dress extravagantly, but wear something that looks nice, simple, decent, and
               corporate.  Wear  clean  and  well  ironed  clothes.  Select  clothes  with  good  colour

               combinations, wear light cosmetics (be reasonable with your deodorants and facials, do
               not overdo them), comb your hair or pack it neatly. Put all other things you may need in

               your  bag.  Some  interview  scores  you  for  dressing,  your  aim  therefore  is  dressing  to
               impress, not to seduce. Avoid wearing provocative clothes or scanty clothes that reveal

               your body. You may piss-off someone. Even if you are going for a job where you will have

               to wear special clothes like a factory overall or uniform, make sure you still wear clean
               and well-ironed clothes. That way, you will appear decent, courteous, and professional.

               Do yourself some good; before you step out, look at the mirror! One or two things may
               not add up, let someone else comment on your look. You may freshen your breath with a

               mint gum before the interview, it is a clever idea. But do not chew gum into an interview,
               it is indecent.

                It is also good to know the address of the interview venue and get there far ahead of time.
               Get the idea of traffic in the area and do all you can to set out early enough to beat traffic

               congestion. You do not want to be held in the traffic while it is time for the interview. So,
               get there early, have enough time to rest and recap all you have read. You can take the

               opportunity to familiarize yourself with one or two persons. Who knows, you may get to
               hear some useful information. Getting to the interview venue early helps you overcome

               unnecessary  anxieties,  it  shows  you  are  disciplined,  helps  you  relax,  socialize  or

               familiarize yourself with the environment, fellow interviewees or the interviewers. Never
               go late for an interview, it does not speak well of you.

                Do not go for any interview without a copy of your resume, except you are told not to

               bring it. Take a copy of your resume with you and refer to it during the interview if you
               need to. Read over it on the way, or while you are waiting for the interview to start. Take

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