P. 44


        Truth to Teach (Source)

        Nehemiah 9:6          ‘You alone are Lord. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all
                              their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them.
                              You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you.’

              To appreciate that God is the Creator of the universe.

              To learn to distinguish between living, dead and never alive things.

              To learn that there are life processes, including movement, reproduction, nutrition, and
               growth, which are common to animals.

              To learn that there are life processes, including growth, nutrition and reproduction common to

              To appreciate that living and dead things are made up of cells but never alive things are made
               up of particles.

        Way to Work

            1.  Introduce the topic for the term.

            2.  Put out a display, or a set of pictures, of living, dead and never alive things, eg insect in a box,
               wooden objects, metal objects, plants, small pet (if practical), plastic, glass, wool, cotton, tea,
               coffee. A box of soil could also be used to provide living, non-living and never alive things.

               Discuss with the children things that are living, dead and never alive. Create lists on the board.

            3.  Let the children fill in a table to show the three groups. They should seek to extend their lists
               by thinking of other things for each category. Perhaps they could find something beginning
               with each letter of the alphabet.

            4.  After reviewing Genesis 1 by question and answer, discuss who has created each of these
               things, whether it is man or God. Read the above verse. Ask the children if they think that
               everyone believes God created the universe. Talk about the need to respect other people’s

               opinions and yet the importance of holding firmly to what we believe.

            5.  Talk about the life processes that distinguish living from dead and never alive things. To help
               the children remember it, introduce them as an acrostic – ‘Mrs Nerg’.
                       •  Movement
                       •  Respiration
                       •  Sensitivity

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