P. 56
Truth to Teach (Source)
Genesis 1:28 ‘God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number, fill the
earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and
over every living creature that moves on the ground.” ’
To recognise that God’s plan is for us to be fruitful and increase through reproduction.
To appreciate the main stages of the human life cycle.
To look at animal life cycles.
To learn about hermaphrodites
Way to Work (Means)
1. Review the seven processes of living things.
2. Read and discuss the above verse.
3. Show pictures or a video/DVD of the life cycle of a mini-beast.
4. Let the children draw the life cycles of a number of creatures, eg butterfly, bee, frog.
5. Discuss the main stages in the human life cycle – birth, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and
old age.
6. Talk about when we stop growing, when people first learn to do various things like walking,
talking, eating independently, etc.
7. Talk about God’s plan for marriage, parenthood, etc
8. Show the children a snail and ask what they know about its reproduction. Talk about the snails
having male and female organs – hermaphrodites.
9. Review the lesson after the children have written notes and drawn pictures.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
The children will appreciate God’s plan for us to inhabit the whole earth, increasing in number
through reproduction. They will have discussed the importance of marriage and parenting as well as
learning about the life cycles of other animals.