P. 58

8.  Explain the process of pollination. The pollen from the anthers of one plant is passed, by
               insects or the wind, on to the stigma of another plant. Plants are designed differently

               according to whether they are pollinated by wind or insects. Wind pollinated plants normally
               have feathery stigma, whereas insect pollinated plants are often brightly coloured with nectar
               for the insects to eat.

            9.  Explain the process of fertilisation. It is the process whereby the pollen grain grows down
               towards the ovum or egg cell and joins up with it. This is the beginning of a new plant.

            10.  Discuss seed dispersal. The ovule becomes the seed and it is spread in different ways, e.g.
                       •  sycamore and ash have wings and are blown by the wind
                       •  dandelions have parachutes that are blown by the wind
                       •  fruits are eaten by birds and seeds are dropped elsewhere
                       •  cleavers have hooks which catch on to animals’ fur and are carried by them
                       •  poppy seeds spread their seeds by a ‘pepper-pot’ mechanism

            11. Germination happens when the seeds begin to grow. They need: -
                       •  water
                       •  light
                       •  correct temperature

            12.  Let the children draw and label the parts of a flower, writing notes about the functions of
               each part and about how seeds are dispersed.

            13. End by praising God for his creative genius we see in the creation of plants.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

        As well as learning the factual detail about plants the children’s attention will have been drawn to
        God’s faithfulness and creativity.

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