P. 63


        Truth to Teach (Source)

        Romans 8:22-23       ‘We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth
                              right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the
                             firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as
                             sons, and the redemption of our bodies.’

              To discuss our response to the Holy Spirit.

              Living things reflect God’s character by responding to their environment. Man has a choice of
               how he/she responds, either positively or negatively.

              To consider how our five senses help us to respond to the environment.

              To conduct practical work to observe responses to stimuli.

        Way to Work (Means)

        1.     Review the life processes covered so far.

        2.     Role play – ask a pupil to leave the room then to return, pretending to be a new pupil to the
               school. The other children pretend to be unfriendly and unkind, leaving no seat in the circle,
               not sharing a book, whispering about him/her, etc.  Discuss how everyone felt.  Repeat the
               drama but the children respond in the opposite manner.

        3.     Let the children work in pairs to consider how they respond with their senses to the following:
                 What do we do when it rains, when it is sunny, when it is snowing?
                 What do we do when we are hungry, thirsty, tired?
                 What do we do when we are sad, happy?

        4.     Gather back to share.

        5.     Give the children more tasks to do in pairs: -
               a)  See if the pupils can make the lower leg ‘jump’ forward in response to tapping the knee
                   just below the knee-cap.

               b)  Aim to raise the lower arm by gently squeezing the upper arm muscles. The arm must be
                   hanging free to begin.

               c)  Hold two pins about ½ cm apart. Touch a blindfolded partner with the pins on different
                   parts of the arm and hand. Ask if he/she feels one or two pins.

               d)  Optical illusions, found in many books can be used.

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