P. 8
4. Explain that maps are made from people taking bird’s eye views of the land. We do
not see the detail but we see outlines. Show examples in an atlas.
5. Ask the children why they think people made maps rather than just globes. (A map is
easier to carry around.) Show the children a map of the world and explain that the
nations are grouped together in continents.
Label the continents on a blank map or point them out on a labelled map. Talk about
our country being a part of Europe. If there are children from other countries in the
class let them point out the continents which they come from.
6. Let the children colour the map showing the continents. More able children could use
computer programmes to reinforce where the continents are situated.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
1. The children will recognise the sovereignty of God in allocating land to the nations.
2. They should be familiar with the continents.
3. They should understand what we mean by a ‘bird’s eye view’.
Truth to Teach (Source)
We live on islands which include England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales.
The islands God has given to us are called the British Isles.
Way to Work (Means)
1. Review the previous lessons.
2. Let the children gather around a large map of the British Isles (if numbers are large,
two maps may be needed) and explain that this is the land God has given to us to
care for and to live in at this present time.
(God's Heart for the Nations) 6