Page 53 - OSEP Management Module 5_Neat
P. 53

Local community support

                        In preparing this proposal, the Coffs Harbour City Council and Northern
                        NSW Touch Association have conducted market research on a number
                        of fronts and the results of this research include:
                        •   85 per cent of Coffs Harbour’s 4000 registered touch football
                            players said they would be likely to spectate if the National Touch
                            League was held there
                        •   30 per cent of Coffs Harbour’s secondary school students said
                            they would like to spectate at the event
                        •   70 per cent of respondents (total 10000) stated that Coffs Harbour
                            could only benefit from hosting such a major event
                        •   95 per cent of Coffs Harbour accommodation houses and eateries
                            said that they would offer accommodation discounts to National
                            Touch League participants
                        •   Coffs Harbour City Council stated that it would provide $5000
                            to the NSW and Northern NSW Touch Associations to assist in the
                            hosting of the event
                        •   various TV, radio and print media in the region stated that they
                            would support the event
                        •   55 per cent of companies surveyed stated they might be interested
                            in providing some type of sponsorship arrangement
                        •   30 per cent of those surveyed stated they had never seen or
                            played touch football and they would like to see how the game is
                            played at the elite level.

                        Expected government support for the event
                        •   Coffs Harbour City Council has pledged $5000 to assist in the
                            hosting of the event.
                        •   Coffs Harbour City Council (who manage and own the Coffs
                            Harbour International Sports Stadium) has stated that it will provide
                            substantial discounts of hire rates for the initial 2 years of a 5
                            year agreement between the council and the Australian Touch
                            Association if a long-term arrangement can be made to have the
                            event hosted in Coffs Harbour.
                        •   The Australian Sports Commission has allocated $35000 to the
                            Australian Touch Association for them to manage their major
                            events in 2004 (1 of which is the National Touch League).
                        •   The NSW Department of Sport and Recreation has pledged $3000
                            to assist in the hosting of the event.
                        Total government financial assistance: up to $50000

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