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                  The advent of the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution will bring noticeable

               changes  to  our  lives  in  various  aspects.  We  had  a  doubt  whether  the  Fourth

               Industrial Revolution will lead to the development of the cultural contents or the

               regression of them. Therefore, our research team decided to do research dealing

               with the future of cultural contents in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

               Our ultimate purpose of this paper is to give direction to the way cultural contents

               should develop in the future, based on the digital technological innovation caused

               by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Our research paper starts with the explanation

               which elucidates the meaning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In this section,

               we are going to explicate the meaning of the terms related to the Fourth Industrial

               Revolution and how the Fourth Industrial Revolution Started to develop. In the

               subsequent part, we will explain the various fields and types of cultural industries

               which  are  expected  to  be  influenced  or  newly  created  by  the  Fourth  Industrial

               revolution. We will also deal with the topic of how the cultural industry such as the
               video  game  industry  and  the  movie  industry  will  be  like  in  the  future.  For  the

               concise explanation, we divided the types of culture into two categories: Popular
               culture and high culture. After that, we conducted a survey regarding the topic of

               the Fourth Industrial Revolution and organized the results of the survey in the result
               part of the paper. As conclusion, we concluded our research with our view on the

               Fourth Industrial Revolution.
               No one can ascertain whether the Fourth Industrial Revolution can open the doors

               for the innovative growth in various fields of cultural contents or cause the demise

               of cultural diversity. By conducting this research project, we will gain knowledge of

               cultural contents and analyze the task of the cultural industry influenced by the

               Fourth Industrial Revolution.

               1. Introduction

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