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In the upcoming era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, new technological
innovations are expected through advanced digital technologies such as the
Internet, artificial intelligence, big data, robots and virtual reality. So, what specific
changes will the Fourth Industrial Revolution bring in the cultural field? Culture is
a comprehensive term that includes characteristics of an individual and social
customs that can be found in human society. As much as how the culture has been
changed and developed by humans over time in materialistic and psychological
factors, it is newly created, accumulated and changed by forming relationships with
various factors. How is culture related to the fourth Industrial Revolution? Will
intelligence give advantages or disadvantages to the culture? The paper will analyze
the impact of intelligence on culture and the prospects of cultural contents after
looking over the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
2. Meaning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
The Fourth Industrial Revolution represents a basic change in the way we
live, work and relate to one another. It is a new start in human development,
enabled by astonishing technology advances compared with those of the first,
second and Third Industrial Revolutions. These advances are unifying with the
physical, digital and biological worlds in ways that create both huge promise and
potential peril. New technologies that are introduced by the Fourth Industrial
Revolution involve disruptive technologies and trends which are changing the way
we live and work such as the Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, virtual reality (VR)
and artificial intelligence(AI). They are the collective force behind many products
and services that are fast becoming essential to modern life. (e.g GPS systems that
suggest the fastest route to a destination, voice-activated virtual assistants such as
Apple’s Siri, personalised Netflix recommendations, and Facebook’s ability to
recognise your face and tag you in a friend’s photo). The speed, breadth and depth
of this revolution is forcing us to rethink how countries develop, how organisations